Help for churches

“Do not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest.’
Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.”

- Jesus

Our culture has become increasingly post- even anti-Christian. But mostly, the world is passing us by every day and doesn’t think about us at all.

How do you train your church to think about the people who don’t even notice you? How do you disciple them for those conversations?

We are not a church consulting firm. We don’t have a trendy formula to grow your church. We do have principles we believe can help your church adopt an eyes up mentality. Jesus’ words are still true. There are kingdom opportunities all around us if we are looking with the right lens, with our eyes up to see them.

Shoot us a note; we’re allies, we want you to succeed, and we’d love to try to help.